Med 7 Immune Support with Vitamin D3
Made with Purzorb® technology, we’ve combined the benefits of Hempzorb81™ and Dzorb™ Vitamin D3 into a unique and powerful, fast acting supplement that is delivered to the bloodstream faster than anything else.
Hempzorb81™ showed significant results in National Institute of Health (NIH) supported studies in:
- reduction of A1c
- weight loss
- girth reduction
- increase in deep sleep
- reduction in anxiety
- lowering of inflammatory markers
- lowering of resting heart rate
Vitamin D plays important roles in the body, including reduction of inflammation as well as modulation of such processes as cell growth, neuromuscular and immune function, and glucose metabolism. According to the NIH 40-85% of the population is deficient in Vitamin D. Vitamin D3 provides the following benefits:
- weight management
- boosts bone strength
- improves immune function
- glucose management
- metabolic support
- cardiovascular health
- enhances mental health
Med 7 Immune Support contains 112.5 mg of Hempzorb81™ Full Spectrum Hemp Oil and 1,000 IUs of Dzorb™ Vitamin D3 per 2 ml dose.
ADK5 Vitamin Supplement
30 Capsules | Dietary supplement with the optimal ration of Vitamins A (2750 mcg), D3 (125 mcg/5,000 IU) and K2 (as MK-7, 500 mcg). ADK5 Supports:
- Bone structure, density and integrity*
- Proper bone remodeling*
- Calcium utilization*
- Cardiovascular function*
Vitamin A : 2750 mcg | 306%*
Aids in the absorption of Vitamin D3; Plays a critical role in a healthy immune system
Vitamin D3 : 5,000 IU | 625%*
For bone and heart health. Optimal levels in the body should be 80-100 ng/mL
Vitamin K2 : 500 mcg | 417%*
Regulatory effects on Vitamins A & D3
Works outside the liver in the bones and blood vessels
* Percentage of Recommended Daily Value
Belly Buddies Probiotics
Physician recommended & formulated | for adults and children 12 and older. Contains a proprietary blend (4 billion CFU†) of two (2) strains of Lactobacillus and one (1) strain of Biffidobacterium, or ‘good bacteria’. The primary function of good bacteria are:
- Immune Support
- Digestive Support
- Elimination
- Vitamin production
Probiotics are live microorganisms that are either the same as, or similar to, those found in the human body. While bacteria is often referred to as as harmful “germs,” many bacteria actually help the body function properly. Probiotics have been shown to aide a variety of gastrointestinal issues including immune system support.
The word probiotic means “for life”. Probiotics or the “good bacteria” comprise approximately four (4) pounds of our body weight. The human digestive system contains approximately 3.3 million genes from more than 1000 species about 150 times the 20-25,000 genes in the human genome. The “good bacteria cells” also out number outnumber human cells 10:1.
Belly Buddies probiotic delivers “good bacteria” via an innovative capsule technology that protects the bacteria from being destroyed by harsh stomach acids. This innovative capsule technology delivers more viable/live “good bacteria” to the intestines where they perform their magic.
†4 Billion CFU at time of manufacture